Mark Brown [Fri, 29 Oct 2021 13:51:28 +0000 (14:51 +0100)]
Merge series "ASoC: cs42l42: Fix definition and handling of jack switch invert" from Richard Fitzgerald <[email protected]>:
Summary: The driver applied the opposite of the DT setting to the
wrong register bit.
The jack plug detect hardware in cs42l42 is somewhat confusing,
compounded by an unclear description in the datasheet. This is most
likely the reason that the driver implemented a DT property for the
wrong register bit, that had the opposite effect of what was
described in the binding.
Changing the meaning of the property values isn't feasible; the
driver dates from 2016 and the risk of breaking out-of-tree configs
is too high (the property is also available to ACPI systems).
So the fix is to make the binding doc match the actual behaviour and
then fix the driver to apply it to the correct register bit.
As a bonus, patch #3 converts the binding to yaml.
Richard Fitzgerald (3):
ASoC: dt-bindings: cs42l42: Correct description of ts-inv
ASoC: cs42l42: Correct configuring of switch inversion from ts-inv
ASoC: dt-bindings: cs42l42: Convert binding to yaml
Julian Braha [Fri, 29 Oct 2021 00:12:25 +0000 (20:12 -0400)]
ASoC: fix unmet dependencies on GPIOLIB for SND_SOC_RT1015P
When SND_SOC_MT8192_MT6359_RT1015_RT5682,
SND_SOC_MT8183_DA7219_MAX98357A, or
SND_SOC_MT8183_MT6358_TS3A227E_MAX98357A is selected,
and GPIOLIB is not selected, Kbuild gives the following
warnings, respectively:
The same codec seems to have different personalities. ESSX8316 was
used for Baytrail/CherryTrail, ESSX8336 seems to be used for AppoloLake,
GeminiLake, JasperLake and TigerLake devices.
ASoC: cs42l42: Correct configuring of switch inversion from ts-inv
The setting from the cirrus,ts-inv property should be applied to the
TIP_SENSE_INV bit, as this is the one that actually affects the jack
detect block. The TS_INV bit only swaps the meaning of the PLUG and
UNPLUG interrupts and should always be 1 for the interrupts to have
the normal meaning.
Due to some misunderstanding the driver had been implemented to
configure the TS_INV bit based on the jack switch polarity. This made
the interrupts behave the correct way around, but left the jack detect
block, button detect and analogue circuits always interpreting an open
switch as unplugged.
The signal chain inside the codec is:
SENSE pin -> TIP_SENSE_INV -> TS_INV -> (invert) -> interrupts
Jack detect,
button detect and
analog control
As the TIP_SENSE_INV already performs the necessary inversion the
TS_INV bit never needs to change. It must always be 1 to yield the
expected interrupt behaviour.
Some extra confusion has arisen because of the additional invert in the
interrupt path, meaning that a value applied to the TS_INV bit produces
the opposite effect of applying it to the TIP_SENSE_INV bit. The ts-inv
property has therefore always had the opposite effect to what might be
expected (0 = inverted, 1 = not inverted). To maintain the meaning of
the ts-inv property it must be inverted when applied to TIP_SENSE_INV.
ASoC: dt-bindings: cs42l42: Correct description of ts-inv
This swaps the descriptions of the 0 and 1 values to match
what the driver actually does with this property.
The background here is somewhat confusing. The codec has two
invert bits for the tip sense. The DT property should have been
for the TIP_SENSE_INV bit, which is the one that controls the
detect block. Due to some misunderstanding of the hardware the
driver actually implemented setting of the TS_INV bit, which is
only for swapping the sense of the interrupt bits. The description
was taken from the datasheet and refers to TIP_SENSE_INV but
unfortunately TS_INV has a different purpose and the net effect
of changing it is the reverse of what was intended (this is not
clearly described in the datasheet). So the ts-inv settings have
always done the exact opposite of what the description said.
Given the age of the driver, it's too late now to swap the meanings
of the values, so the description is changed to match the behaviour.
They have been annotated with the terminology used in the datasheet
to avoid the confusion of which one corresponds to what the datasheet
calls "inverted tip sense".
Clang is a little more pedantic than GCC, which permits implicit
fallthroughs to cases that contain just break or return. Clang's version
is more in line with the kernel's own stance in deprecated.rst, which
states that all switch/case blocks must end in either break,
fallthrough, continue, goto, or return. Add the missing break to fix
the warning.
Julian Braha [Wed, 27 Oct 2021 18:48:35 +0000 (14:48 -0400)]
ASoC: fix unmet dependencies on GPIOLIB for SND_SOC_DMIC
are selected, and GPIOLIB is not selected, Kbuild gives
the following warnings, respectively:
This is because SND_SOC_DMIC and SND_SOC_MAX98357A are
respectively. However, neither of the selectors depend on or select GPIOLIB,
despite their selectees depending on GPIOLIB.
These unmet dependency bugs were detected by Kismet,
a static analysis tool for Kconfig. Please advise if this
is not the appropriate solution.
Yang Yingliang [Wed, 27 Oct 2021 06:52:28 +0000 (14:52 +0800)]
ASoC: amd: acp: Fix return value check in acp_machine_select()
In case of error, platform_device_register_data() returns ERR_PTR()
and never returns NULL. The NULL test in the return value check
should be replaced with IS_ERR().
ASoC: rockchip: i2s_tdm: improve return value handling
cppcheck reports the following warning:
sound/soc/rockchip/rockchip_i2s_tdm.c:599:9: warning: Identical
condition and return expression 'ret', return value is always 0
return ret;
sound/soc/rockchip/rockchip_i2s_tdm.c:594:6: note: If condition 'ret'
is true, the function will return/exit
if (ret)
sound/soc/rockchip/rockchip_i2s_tdm.c:599:9: note: Returning identical
expression 'ret'
return ret;
While the code is not wrong, it's clearer to return 0 directly.
sound/soc/codecs/nau8821.c:390:17: error: Array 'dmic_speed_sel[4]'
accessed at index 4, which is out of bounds. [arrayIndexOutOfBounds]
dmic_speed_sel[i].param, dmic_speed_sel[i].val);
sound/soc/codecs/nau8821.c:378:2: note: After for loop, i has value 4
for (i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++)
sound/soc/codecs/nau8821.c:390:17: note: Array index out of bounds
dmic_speed_sel[i].param, dmic_speed_sel[i].val);
While the code is not incorrect, we can deal with the out-of-bounds
check in a clearer way that makes static analysis happy.
Mark Brown [Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:00:42 +0000 (20:00 +0100)]
Merge series "ASoC: cs42l42: Fixes to power-down" from Richard Fitzgerald <[email protected]>:
Driver probe and remove were inconsistent in what they did to power-down
and neither did all steps. In addition to that, neither function
prevented the interrupt handler from running during and after power-down.
Richard Fitzgerald (2):
ASoC: cs42l42: Reset and power-down on remove() and failed probe()
ASoC: cs42l42: free_irq() before powering-down on probe() fail
Mark Brown [Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:00:40 +0000 (20:00 +0100)]
Merge series "Update Lpass digital codec macro drivers" from Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu <[email protected]>:
This patch set is to add support for lpass sc7280 based targets.
Upadate compatible name and change of bulk clock voting to optional
clock voting in digital codecs va, rx, tx macro drivers.
Changes Since V3:
-- Removed fixes tag.
-- Change signedoff by sequence.
Changes Since V2:
-- Add Tx macro deafults for lpass sc7280
Changes Since V1:
-- Removed individual clock voting and used bulk clock optional.
-- Removed volatile changes and fixed default values.
-- Typo errors.
Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu (5):
ASoC: qcom: Add compatible names in va,wsa,rx,tx codec drivers for
ASoC: qcom: dt-bindings: Add compatible names for lpass sc7280 digital
ASoC: codecs: tx-macro: Enable tx top soundwire mic clock
ASoC: codecs: tx-macro: Update tx default values
ASoC: codecs: Change bulk clock voting to optional voting in digital
Qualcomm India Private Limited, on behalf of Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.,
is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project.
Mark Brown [Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:00:39 +0000 (20:00 +0100)]
Merge series "ASoC: qcom: Add AudioReach support" from Srinivas Kandagatla <[email protected]>:
Hi Mark,
This version is a respin of v10 fixing a build error in 12/17 patch.
QCOM SoC relevant non-audio patches in this series has been merged into
the Qualcomm drivers-for-5.16 tree, as this series depends those patches
an immutable tag is available at: tags/20210927135559[email protected]
This patchset adds ASoC driver support to configure signal processing
framework ("AudioReach") which is integral part of Qualcomm next
generation audio SDK and will be deployed on upcoming Qualcomm chipsets.
It makes use of ASoC Topology to load graphs on to the DSP which is then
managed by APM (Audio Processing Manager) service to prepare/start/stop.
Here is simplified high-level block diagram of AudioReach:
AudioReach has constructs of sub-graph, container and modules.
Each sub-graph can have N containers and each Container can have N Modules
and connections between them can be linear or non-linear.
An audio function can be realized with one or many connected
sub-graphs. There are also control/event paths between modules that can
be wired up while building graph to achieve various control mechanism
between modules. These concepts of Sub-Graph, Containers and Modules
are represented in ASoC topology.
Here is simple I2S graph with a Write Shared Memory and a
Volume control module within a single Subgraph (1) with one Container (1)
and 5 modules.
This patchset adds very minimal support for AudioReach which includes
supporting sub-graphs containing CODEC DMA ports and simple PCM
Decoder/Encoder and Logger Modules. Additional capabilities will
be built over time to expose features offered by AudioReach.
This patchset is Tested on SM8250 SoC based Qualcomm Robotics Platform RB5
and SM9250 MTP with WSA881X Smart Speaker Amplifiers, DMICs connected via
VA Macro and WCD938x Codec connected via TX and RX Macro and HDMI audio
via I2S.
First 10 Patches are mostly reorganization existing Old QDSP Audio
Framework code and bindings so that we could reuse them on AudioReach.
ASoC topology graphs for DragonBoard RB5 and SM8250 MTP are available at
and Qualcomm AudioReach DSP headers are available at:
Note: There is one false positive warning in this patchset:
audioreach.c:80:45: warning: array of flexible structures
Changes since v10:
- fix build error during arm64 defconfig build reported by Mark in 12/17 patch
for audioreach_tplg_init symbol
Srinivas Kandagatla (17):
ASoC: dt-bindings: move LPASS dai related bindings out of q6afe
ASoC: dt-bindings: move LPASS clocks related bindings out of q6afe
ASoC: dt-bindings: rename q6afe.h to q6dsp-lpass-ports.h
ASoC: qdsp6: q6afe-dai: move lpass audio ports to common file
ASoC: qdsp6: q6afe-clocks: move audio-clocks to common file
ASoC: dt-bindings: q6dsp: add q6apm-lpass-dai compatible
ASoC: dt-bindings: lpass-clocks: add q6prm clocks compatible
ASoC: dt-bindings: add q6apm digital audio stream bindings
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add basic pkt alloc support
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add q6apm support
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add module configuration command helpers
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add Kconfig and Makefile
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add topology support
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add q6apm-dai support
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add q6apm lpass dai support
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add q6prm support
ASoC: qdsp6: audioreach: add support for q6prm-clocks
ASoC: amd: acp: SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_COMMON should depend on X86 && PCI
All configuration symbols for AMD Audio ACP conponents depend on X86 &&
PCI, except for SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_COMMON. Add a dependency on X86 && PCI
to SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_COMMON, to prevent asking the user about AMD Audio
ACP support when configuring a kernel without X86 or PCI support.
ASoC: amd: acp: Wrap AMD Audio ACP components in SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_COMMON
The build only descends into sound/soc/amd/acp/ if
CONFIG_SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_COMMON=y. Hence all later config symbols should
depend on SND_SOC_AMD_ACP_COMMON, to prevent asking the user about
config symbols for driver code that won't be build anyway.
ASoC: cs42l42: free_irq() before powering-down on probe() fail
Relying on devm to free the irq handler on probe failure leaves a
small window of opportunity for an interrupt to become pending and
then the handler to run after the chip has been reset and powered
For safety cs42l42_probe() should free the irq in the error path.
As the irq is now disabled by the driver in probe() and remove()
there is no point allocating it as a devres-managed item, so
convert to plain non-devres.
ASoC: dt-bindings: add q6apm digital audio stream bindings
On AudioReach audio Framework, Audio Streams (PCM/Compressed) are managed by
Q6APM(Audio Process Manager) service. This patch adds bindings for this DAIs
exposed by the DSP.
On AudioReach audio Framework access to LPASS ports is via Q6PRM
(Proxy Resource Manager) service, so add a dedicated lpass-clock compatible
string for this.
ASoC: qdsp6: q6afe-dai: move lpass audio ports to common file
Various Q6DSP frameworks will use LPASS Audio IP, so move all the hardware
specific details to a common file so that they could be reused across
multiple Q6DSP frameworks.
In this case all the audio ports definitions can be moved to a common file
to be able to reuse across multiple Q6DSP frameworks.
ASoC: dt-bindings: rename q6afe.h to q6dsp-lpass-ports.h
move all LPASS audio ports defines from q6afe.h to q6dsp-lpass-ports.h
as these belong to LPASS IP.
Also this move helps in reusing this header across multiple audio
frameworks on Qualcomm Audio DSP.
This patch is split out of the dt-bindings patch to enable easy review.
ASoC: dt-bindings: move LPASS clocks related bindings out of q6afe
q6afe (Audio Front End) is one of the DSP service that handles both
LPASS (Low Power Audio SubSystem) Audio ports and LPASS clocks.
As LPASS is a hardwware IP and commonly used by Qualcomm Audio DSP.
In order to allow multiple DSP frameworks to use these bindings
its best to move it out from the dsp specific bindings.
For compatibility reasons and not breaking which is already working
we still maintain same compatible string "qcom,q6afe-clocks"
Also as part of this change convert these LPASS clocks related bindings
into yaml format.
ASoC: dt-bindings: move LPASS dai related bindings out of q6afe
q6afe (Audio Front End) is one of the DSP service that handles both
LPASS (Low Power Audio SubSystem) Audio ports and LPASS clocks.
As LPASS is a hardwware IP and commonly used by Qualcomm Audio DSP.
In order to allow multiple DSP frameworks to use these bindings
its best to move it out from the dsp specific bindings.
For compatibility reasons and not breaking which is already working
we still maintain same compatible string "qcom,q6afe-dais"
Also as part of this change convert these LPASS dai related bindings
into yaml format.
Mark Brown [Tue, 26 Oct 2021 12:49:20 +0000 (13:49 +0100)]
Merge tag '20210927135559[email protected]' of into v11_20211026_srinivas_kandagatla_asoc_qcom_add_audioreach_support for audioreach support
David Lin [Mon, 25 Oct 2021 11:38:57 +0000 (19:38 +0800)]
ASoC: nau8825: add set_jack coponment support
Use set_jack ops to set jack for new machine drivers. Meanwhile,
the old machine drivers can still call previous export function
Mark Brown [Mon, 25 Oct 2021 15:48:44 +0000 (16:48 +0100)]
ASoC: topology: Fix stub for snd_soc_tplg_component_remove()
When removing the index argument from snd_soc_topology_component_remove()
commit a5b8f71c5477f (ASoC: topology: Remove multistep topology loading)
forgot to update the stub for !SND_SOC_TOPOLOGY use, causing build failures
for anything that tries to make use of it.
Stephan Gerhold [Mon, 25 Oct 2021 10:55:03 +0000 (12:55 +0200)]
ASoC: qcom: common: Respect status = "disabled" on DAI link nodes
At the moment, the DAI link nodes in the device tree always have to be
specified completely in each device tree. However, the available
interfaces (e.g. Primary/Secondary/Tertiary/Quaternary MI2S) are common
for all devices of a SoC, so the majority of the definitions can be
placed in a common device tree include to reduce boilerplate.
Make it possible to define such stubs in device tree includes by
respecting the "status" property for the DAI link nodes. This is
a trivial change that just requires switching to the _available_
OF functions that check the "status" property additionally.
This allows defining a stub like:
sound_dai_quaternary: dai-link-quaternary {
link-name = "Quaternary MI2S";
status = "disabled"; /* Needs extra codec configuration */
cpu {
sound-dai = <&q6afedai QUATERNARY_MI2S_RX>;
platform {
sound-dai = <&q6routing>;
where the codec would be filled in by the device-specific device tree.
For existing device trees this change does not make any difference.
A missing "status" property is treated like status = "okay".
Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- [email protected]
In personal conversations with technical people, I call myself a hacker. But
when I'm talking to journalists I just say "programmer" or something like that.
-- Linus Torvalds
ASoC: cs42l42: Prevent NULL pointer deref in interrupt handler
The interrupt handling code was getting the struct device* from a
struct snd_soc_component* stored in struct cs42l42_private. If the
interrupt was asserted before ASoC calls component_probe() the
snd_soc_component* will be NULL.
The stored snd_soc_component* is not actually used for anything other
than indirectly getting the struct device*. Remove it, and store the
struct device* in struct cs42l42_private.
Use the existing devm_clk_get_optional() helper instead of building a
similar construct on top of devm_clk_get() that fails to handle all
errors but -EPROBE_DEFER.
This is because SND_SOC_DMIC and SND_SOC_MAX98357A are
selected by SND_SOC_INTEL_DA7219_MAX98357A_GENERIC, which
is also selected by SND_SOC_INTEL_KBL_DA7219_MAX98357A_MACH.
However, the selectors do not depend on or select GPIOLIB,
despite SND_SOC_DMIC and SND_SOC_MAX98357A depending on GPIOLIB.
These unmet dependency bugs were detected by Kismet,
a static analysis tool for Kconfig. Please advise if this
is not the appropriate solution.
Uwe Kleine-König [Wed, 20 Oct 2021 13:24:16 +0000 (15:24 +0200)]
ASoC: cs35l41: Make cs35l41_remove() return void
Up to now cs35l41_remove() returns zero unconditionally. Make it
return void instead which makes it easier to see in the callers that
there is no error to handle.
Also the return value of i2c, platform and spi remove callbacks is
ignored anyway.
Dmitry Osipenko [Sun, 24 Oct 2021 19:28:52 +0000 (22:28 +0300)]
ASoC: tegra: Restore AC97 support
The device-tree of AC97 codecs need to be parsed differently from I2S
codecs, plus codec device may need to be created. This was missed by the
patch that unified machine drivers into a single driver, fix it. It should
restore audio on Toradex Colibri board.
John Keeping [Sun, 24 Oct 2021 15:17:31 +0000 (16:17 +0100)]
ASoC: doc: update codec example code
As the codec API has evolved the documentation has not kept up and still
uses old fields that have been removed. Update the examples to
represent the current API.
Mark Brown [Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:30:02 +0000 (17:30 +0100)]
Merge series "ASoC: Add common modules support for ACP hw block" from Ajit Kumar Pandey <[email protected]>:
changes since v3:
- rebase and fixes merge conflict.
- Fixed kernel autobot warning.
Ajit Kumar Pandey (8):
ASoC: amd: Add common framework to support I2S on ACP SOC
ASoC: amd: acp: Add I2S support on Renoir platform
ASoC: amd: acp: Add callback for machine driver on ACP
ASoC: amd: acp: Add generic machine driver support for ACP cards
ASoC: amd: acp: Add legacy sound card support for Chrome audio
ASoC: amd: acp: Add SOF audio support on Chrome board
ASoC: amd: acp: Add support for Maxim amplifier codec
ASoC: amd: acp: Add support for RT5682-VS codec
Mark Brown [Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:29:20 +0000 (17:29 +0100)]
Merge series "Add Yellow Carp platform ASoC driver" from Vijendar Mukunda <[email protected]>:
Yellow Carp platform is new APU series based on acp6.x design.
This patch set adds an ASoC driver for the ACP (Audio CoProcessor)
block on AMD Yellow Carp APU with DMIC endpoint support.
changes since v1:
- fixed SPDX commenting style in acp6x pci driver.
- fixed Copyright commenting style in acp6x pci driver,
pdm dma driver and machine driver files.
- fixed local variable check logic in acp6x_power_on() function.
- fixed Kconfig indentation issue
- removed irq_flag local variable in irq handler.
- add dmi info check in machine driver probe
Mark Brown [Sat, 23 Oct 2021 13:32:19 +0000 (14:32 +0100)]
Merge series "ASoC: meson: axg: fix TDM channel order sync" from Jerome Brunet <[email protected]>:
On the Amlogic AXG series, the TODDR FIFO may get out of sync with the TDM
decoder if the decoder is started before the FIFO. The channel appears
shifted in memory in an unpredictable way.
To fix this, the trick is to start the FIFO before the TDM decoder. This
way the FIFO is already waiting when the 1st channel is produced and it is
correctly placed in memory.
Jerome Brunet (2):
ASoC: meson: axg-card: make links nonatomic
ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-interface: manage formatters in trigger
Jerome Brunet [Wed, 20 Oct 2021 11:42:17 +0000 (13:42 +0200)]
ASoC: meson: axg-tdm-interface: manage formatters in trigger
So far, the formatters have been reset/enabled using the .prepare()
callback. This was done in this callback because walking the formatters use
a mutex so it could not be done in .trigger(), which is atomic by default.
It turns out there is a problem on capture path of the AXG series.
The FIFO may get out of sync with the TDM decoder if the IP are not enabled
in a specific order. The FIFO must be enabled before the formatter starts
producing data. IOW, we must deal with FE before the BE. The .prepare()
callback is called on the BEs before the FE so it is not OK for the AXG.
The .trigger() callback order can be configured, and it deals with the FE
before the BEs by default. To solve our problem, we just need to start and
stop the formatters from the .trigger() callback. It is OK do so now that
the links have been made 'nonatomic' in the card driver.
Jerome Brunet [Wed, 20 Oct 2021 11:42:16 +0000 (13:42 +0200)]
ASoC: meson: axg-card: make links nonatomic
Non atomic operations need to be performed in the trigger callback
of the TDM interfaces. Those are BEs but what matters is the nonatomic
flag of the FE in the DPCM context. Just set nonatomic for everything so,
at least, it is clear.
The driver has runtime_suspend and runtime_resume callbacks, but
pm_runtime is never enabled so these functions won't be called. They
could not be used anyway because the runtime_suspend would cause jack
detect to stop working.
This is because SND_SOC_MAX98357A is selected
by SND_SOC_STORM and SND_SOC_SC7180, but
these config options do not select or depend on
GPIOLIB, despite SND_SOC_MAX98357A depending on
These unmet dependency bugs were detected by Kismet,
a static analysis tool for Kconfig. Please advise if this
is not the appropriate solution.
In newer variants primary codec is rt5682vs. Add support for newer
codec variants in generic machine driver module and define driver
data to register SOF sound card.
ASoC: amd: acp: Add support for Maxim amplifier codec
In newer chrome boards we have max98360a as an amplifier codec.
Add support for max98360a in generic machine driver and configure
driver data to enable SOF sound card support on newer boards .
ASoC: amd: acp: Add SOF audio support on Chrome board
Chrome board has RT5682 codec and RT1019 amp connected to I2S SP
controller on ACP hw. Also it support DMIC capture endpoints with
inbuilt pdm controller on ACP hw block. Add driver module to create
backend dai links for sof dsp core. We pass driver data with audio
end points configuration to register sound cards and create device
nodes for all audio endpoints.
ASoC: amd: acp: Add legacy sound card support for Chrome audio
Renoir based Chrome board has RT5682 as primary headset codec and
RT1019 amp device connected to I2SSP ACP i2s controller. Add driver
to register legacy sound card devices on Chrome board.
ASoC: amd: acp: Add generic machine driver support for ACP cards
We have machines with different audio endpoints configurations
across various distributions. We need to support multiple sound
cards for different combinations of I2S instance and codecs hw.
Now we also need to support SOF-DSP endpoints based sound cards.
All such card combinations slightly differs in terms of machine
ops callback. This patch adds ACP generic machine driver module
that exposes method to create ACP cards dai links and define new
ops for audio endpoints configurations. Initially we have added
dailink support for RT5682 and RT1019 codec connection with ACP
I2S_SP instance. We will add newer codecs in this module to use
this for all AMD's ACP block sound cards supports in future.
ASoC: amd: Add common framework to support I2S on ACP SOC
We are using legacy way of exposing dais and DMA configuration that
requires separate driver modules for various ACP SOC with almost
similar hw configuration. Moreover the legacy approach requires
separate I2S and DMA module platform devices registration and need
machine specific quirk to control various I2S endpoints. Add generic
dai driver and platform driver for I2S controller on ACP hw block.
This common framework can be used by various ACP platform devices
that shares common specs.