ASoC: STI: Fix null ptr deference in IRQ handler
With RTlinux a race condition has been found that leads to NULL ptr crash:
- On CPU 0: uni_player_irq_handler is called to treat XRUN
"(player->state == UNIPERIF_STATE_STOPPED)" is FALSE so status is checked,
dev_err(player->dev, "FIFO underflow error detected") is printed
and then snd_pcm_stream_lock should be called to lock stream for stopping.
- On CPU 1: application stop and close the stream.
Issue is that the stop and shutdown functions are executed while
"FIFO underflow error detected" is printed.
So when CPU 0 calls snd_pcm_stream_lock, player->substream is already null.
Signed-off-by: Arnaud Pouliquen <[email protected]>
Signed-off-by: Mark Brown <[email protected]>