-// Any SVE register modified here can cause corruption in the main
-// thread -- but *only* the registers modified here.
+// Modify live register state, the signal return will undo our changes
function irritator_handler
// Increment the irritation signal count (x23):
ldr x0, [x2, #ucontext_regs + 8 * 23]
str x0, [x2, #ucontext_regs + 8 * 23]
// Corrupt some random Z-regs
- adr x0, .text + (irritator_handler - .text) / 16 * 16
movi v0.8b, #1
movi v9.16b, #2
movi v31.8b, #3
-#ifndef SSVE
// And P0
- rdffr p0.b
+ ptrue p0.d
+#ifndef SSVE
// And FFR
wrffr p15.b
// Main program entry point
.globl _start
function _start
+ enable_gcs
mov x23, #0 // Irritation signal count
mov w0, #SIGINT