Commit | Line | Data |
ddbd2b7a GKH |
1 | Code of Conflict |
2 | ---------------- | |
3 | ||
4 | The Linux kernel development effort is a very personal process compared | |
5 | to "traditional" ways of developing software. Your code and ideas | |
6 | behind it will be carefully reviewed, often resulting in critique and | |
7 | criticism. The review will almost always require improvements to the | |
8 | code before it can be included in the kernel. Know that this happens | |
9 | because everyone involved wants to see the best possible solution for | |
10 | the overall success of Linux. This development process has been proven | |
11 | to create the most robust operating system kernel ever, and we do not | |
12 | want to do anything to cause the quality of submission and eventual | |
13 | result to ever decrease. | |
14 | ||
15 | If however, anyone feels personally abused, threatened, or otherwise | |
16 | uncomfortable due to this process, that is not acceptable. If so, | |
17 | please contact the Linux Foundation's Technical Advisory Board at | |
18 | <[email protected]>, or the individual members, and they | |
19 | will work to resolve the issue to the best of their ability. For more | |
20 | information on who is on the Technical Advisory Board and what their | |
21 | role is, please see: | |
22 | http://www.linuxfoundation.org/programs/advisory-councils/tab | |
23 | ||
24 | As a reviewer of code, please strive to keep things civil and focused on | |
25 | the technical issues involved. We are all humans, and frustrations can | |
26 | be high on both sides of the process. Try to keep in mind the immortal | |
27 | words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent to each other." |