+# silent mode requested?
+QUIET:=$(if $(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS)),-q)
+# Strip off the annoying quoting
+ARCH:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_ARCH))
+ifeq ($(ARCH),xtensa)
+ARCH:=$(ARCH)_$(call qstrip,$(BR2_xtensa_core_name))
+WGET:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_WGET)) $(SPIDER) $(QUIET)
+SVN_CO:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_SVN_CO)) $(QUIET)
+SVN_UP:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_SVN_UP)) $(QUIET)
+BZR_CO:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_BZR_CO)) $(QUIET)
+BZR_UP:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_BZR_UP)) $(QUIET)
+GIT:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_GIT)) $(QUIET)
+ZCAT:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_ZCAT))
+BZCAT:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_BZCAT))
+TAR_OPTIONS=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_TAR_OPTIONS)) -xf
+ifneq ("$(origin O)", "command line")
+# other packages might also support Linux-style out of tree builds
+# with the O=<dir> syntax (E.G. Busybox does). As make automatically
+# forwards command line variable definitions those packages get very
+# confused. Fix this by telling make to not do so
+# bash prints the name of the directory on 'cd <dir>' if CDPATH is
+# set, so unset it here to not cause problems. Notice that the export
+# line doesn't affect the environment of $(shell ..) calls, so
+# explictly throw away any output from 'cd' here.
+export CDPATH:=
+BASE_DIR := $(shell mkdir -p $(O) && cd $(O) >/dev/null && pwd)
+$(if $(BASE_DIR),, $(error output directory "$(O)" does not exist))
+DL_DIR=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_DL_DIR))
+ifeq ($(DL_DIR),)
+STAGING_DIR:=$(call qstrip,$(BR2_STAGING_DIR))
+# packages compiled for the host goes here
+# stamp (dependency) files go here