-/* Compensate for lack of `vprintf' function. */
-#if 0
-/* Interface definitions for kernel debugger KDB. */
-/* Map machine fault codes into signal numbers.
- First subtract 0, divide by 4, then index in a table.
- Faults for which the entry in this table is 0
- are not handled by KDB; the program's own trap handler
- gets to handle then. */
-#define FAULT_TABLE \
-{ 0, SIGKILL, SIGSEGV, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
- 0, 0, SIGTRAP, SIGTRAP, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
- 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
-/* Start running with a stack stretching from BEG to END.
- BEG and END should be symbols meaningful to the assembler.
- This is used only for kdb. */
-#define INIT_STACK(beg, end) \
-{ asm (".globl end"); \
- asm ("movl $ end, sp"); \
- asm ("clrl fp"); }
-/* Push the frame pointer register on the stack. */
-#define PUSH_FRAME_PTR \
- asm ("pushl fp");
-/* Copy the top-of-stack to the frame pointer register. */
-#define POP_FRAME_PTR \
- asm ("movl (sp), fp");
-/* After KDB is entered by a fault, push all registers
- that GDB thinks about (all NUM_REGS of them),
- so that they appear in order of ascending GDB register number.
- The fault code will be on the stack beyond the last register. */
-{ asm ("pushl 8(sp)"); \
- asm ("pushl 8(sp)"); \
- asm ("pushal 0x14(sp)"); \
- asm ("pushr $037777"); }
-/* Assuming the registers (including processor status) have been
- pushed on the stack in order of ascending GDB register number,
- restore them and return to the address in the saved PC register. */
-#define POP_REGISTERS \
-{ asm ("popr $037777"); \
- asm ("subl2 $8,(sp)"); \
- asm ("movl (sp),sp"); \
- asm ("rei"); }
-#endif /* 0 */