$! Create the file version.opt, which helps identify the executalbe.
-$search version.c version_string,"="/match=and/output=t.tmp
+$search Makefile.in "VERSION="/match=and/output=t.tmp
$open ifile$ t.tmp
$read ifile$ line
$close ifile$
-$delete/nolog t.tmp;
+$delete/nolog t.tmp;*
+$! Discard "VERSION=" and "\n" parts.
-$elm=f$element(i," ",line)
-$if elm.eqs."" then goto no_ident
-$if (elm.les."9").and.(elm.ges."0") then goto write_ident
-$goto loop
+$ if f$search("version.opt").nes."" then delete/noconfirm version.opt;*
$open ifile$ version.opt/write
-$write ifile$ "ident="+""""+elm+""""
+$write ifile$ "ident="+""""+line+""""
+$close ifile$
+$! Now write config.h.
+$ if f$search("config.h").nes."" then delete/noconfirm config.h;*
+$open ifile$ config.h/write
+$write ifile$ "#define TARGET_CPU """,cpu_type,"""
+$write ifile$ "#define TARGET_ALIAS ""vms"""
+$write ifile$ "#define TARGET_CANONICAL ""vax-dec-vms"""
+$write ifile$ "#define GAS_VERSION """,line,""""
$close ifile$
-$ !
$ if f$search("config.status") .nes. "" then delete config.status.*
$ open/write file config.status
$ write file "Links are now set up for use with a vax running VMS."