+ /* Clear the table entry and tell PMON to clear the breakpoint. */
+ {
+ warning ("common_breakpoint: Attempt to clear bogus breakpoint at %s\n",
+ paddr_nz (addr));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ lsi_breakpoints[i].type = BREAK_UNUSED;
+ sprintf (buf, "0x0 b 0x%x 0x0", i);
+ mips_send_packet (buf, 1);
+ rlen = mips_receive_packet (buf, 1, mips_receive_wait);
+ buf[rlen] = '\0';
+ nfields = sscanf (buf, "0x%x b 0x0 0x%x", &rpid, &rerrflg);
+ if (nfields != 2)
+ mips_error ("common_breakpoint: Bad response from remote board: %s", buf);
+ return (check_lsi_error (addr, rerrflg));
+ }
+ else
+ /* set a breakpoint */
+ {
+ /* The LSI PMON "set breakpoint" command has this form:
+ <pid> 'B' <addr> 0x0
+ reply:
+ <pid> 'B' <bptn> <code>
+ The "set data breakpoint" command has this form:
+ <pid> 'A' <addr1> <type> [<addr2> [<value>]]
+ where: type= "0x1" = read
+ "0x2" = write
+ "0x3" = access (read or write)
+ The reply returns two values:
+ bptn - a breakpoint number, which is a small integer with
+ possible values of zero through 255.
+ code - an error return code, a value of zero indicates a
+ succesful completion, other values indicate various
+ errors and warnings.
+ Possible return codes: OK, W_QAL, E_QAL, E_OUT, E_NON.
+ */
+ if (type == BREAK_FETCH) /* instruction breakpoint */
+ {
+ cmd = 'B';
+ sprintf (buf, "0x0 B 0x%s 0x0", paddr_nz (addr));
+ }
+ else
+ /* watchpoint */
+ {
+ cmd = 'A';
+ sprintf (buf, "0x0 A 0x%s 0x%x 0x%s", paddr_nz (addr),
+ type == BREAK_READ ? 1 : (type == BREAK_WRITE ? 2 : 3),
+ paddr_nz (addr + len - 1));
+ }
+ mips_send_packet (buf, 1);
+ rlen = mips_receive_packet (buf, 1, mips_receive_wait);
+ buf[rlen] = '\0';
+ nfields = sscanf (buf, "0x%x %c 0x%x 0x%x",
+ &rpid, &rcmd, &rresponse, &rerrflg);
+ if (nfields != 4 || rcmd != cmd || rresponse > 255)
+ mips_error ("common_breakpoint: Bad response from remote board: %s", buf);
+ if (rerrflg != 0)
+ if (check_lsi_error (addr, rerrflg))
+ return 1;
+ /* rresponse contains PMON's breakpoint number. Record the
+ information for this breakpoint so we can clear it later. */
+ lsi_breakpoints[rresponse].type = type;
+ lsi_breakpoints[rresponse].addr = addr;
+ lsi_breakpoints[rresponse].len = len;
+ return 0;
+ }