Backwards compatibility breaking changes
change tokeninfo to return "supply" in satoshis
Max description length to 4096
Fix rewardsunlock without giving it a locked txid always gives error
Fix (nonconsensus) allow anybody to unlock only AFTER maxtime
Fix rewards unlock to use mempool
fix could you add a locked_funds value to rewardsinfo?
Fix i deposited 100000 at 20% apr for one day i only got back
01140669 seems like too little for 20% APR
Fix txid with 0x00 at beginning and end required for faucetget txid
(65536 average iterations needed)
Change reduce faucet get to 0.1 coins
Can’t reproduce: it seems that if you re-run faucetget twice in the
same block is when it pegs the cpu to max
fix Dice status always returning loss
Wont fix Profit margin for dice plan sounds good. -> use -ac_commission