int32_t komodo_pending_withdraws(char *opretstr) // todo: enforce deterministic order
- struct pax_transaction *pax,*pax2,*tmp,*paxes[64]; uint8_t opretbuf[16384]; int32_t i,n,ht,len=0; uint64_t total = 0;
+ struct pax_transaction *pax,*pax2,*tmp,*paxes[64]; uint8_t opretbuf[16384*4]; int32_t i,n,ht,len=0; uint64_t total = 0;
if ( komodo_isrealtime(&ht) == 0 || ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] != 0 )
int32_t komodo_gateway_deposits(CMutableTransaction *txNew,char *base,int32_t tokomodo)
- struct pax_transaction *pax,*tmp; char symbol[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN],dest[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint8_t *script,opcode,opret[16384],data[16384]; int32_t i,baseid,ht,len=0,opretlen=0,numvouts=1; struct komodo_state *sp; uint64_t available,deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,mask,sum = 0;
+ struct pax_transaction *pax,*tmp; char symbol[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN],dest[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint8_t *script,opcode,opret[16384*4],data[16384*4]; int32_t i,baseid,ht,len=0,opretlen=0,numvouts=1; struct komodo_state *sp; uint64_t available,deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,mask,sum = 0;
struct komodo_state *kmdsp = komodo_stateptrget((char *)"KMD");
int32_t komodo_check_deposit(int32_t height,const CBlock& block,uint32_t prevtime) // verify above block is valid pax pricing
static uint256 array[64]; static int32_t numbanned,indallvouts;
- int32_t i,j,k,n,ht,baseid,txn_count,activation,num,opretlen,offset=1,errs=0,matched=0,kmdheights[256],otherheights[256],notmatched=0; uint256 hash,txids[256]; char symbol[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN],base[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint16_t vouts[256]; int8_t baseids[256]; uint8_t *script,opcode,rmd160s[256*20]; uint64_t total,subsidy,available,deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,checktoshis,seed; int64_t values[256],srcvalues[256]; struct pax_transaction *pax; struct komodo_state *sp; CTransaction tx;
+ int32_t i,j,k,n,ht,baseid,txn_count,activation,num,opretlen,offset=1,errs=0,notmatched=0,matched=0,kmdheights[256],otherheights[256]; uint256 hash,txids[256]; char symbol[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN],base[KOMODO_ASSETCHAIN_MAXLEN]; uint16_t vouts[256]; int8_t baseids[256]; uint8_t *script,opcode,rmd160s[256*20]; uint64_t total,subsidy,available,deposited,issued,withdrawn,approved,redeemed,seed; int64_t checktoshis,values[256],srcvalues[256]; struct pax_transaction *pax; struct komodo_state *sp; CTransaction tx;
activation = 235300;
if ( *(int32_t *)&array[0] == 0 )
numbanned = komodo_bannedset(&indallvouts,array,(int32_t)(sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array)));
- n = block.vtx[0].vout.size();
- //script = (uint8_t *)block.vtx[0].vout[n-1];
- //if ( n <= 2 || script[0] != 0x6a )
+ // we don't want these checks in VRSC, leave it at the Sapling upgrade
+ if ( ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL[0] == 0 ||
+ (ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 && height > 1) ||
+ (Params().GetConsensus().NetworkUpgradeActive(height, Consensus::UPGRADE_SAPLING) && (block.nVersion < CBlockHeader::VERUS_V2)) )
+ n = block.vtx[0].vout.size();
int64_t val,prevtotal = 0; int32_t strangeout=0,overflow = 0;
total = 0;
for (i=1; i<n; i++)
- script = (uint8_t *)block.vtx[0].vout[i];
+ script = (uint8_t *)&block.vtx[0].vout[i].scriptPubKey[0];
if ( (val= block.vtx[0].vout[i].nValue) < 0 || val >= MAX_MONEY )
overflow = 1;
if ( height >= activation )
- fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<< ht.%d illegal nonz output %.8f n.%d\n",height,dstr(block.vtx[0].vout[1].nValue),n);
+ if ( height > 800000 )
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<< ht.%d illegal nonz output %.8f n.%d\n",height,dstr(block.vtx[0].vout[1].nValue),n);
else if ( height > 814000 )
- script = (uint8_t *)block.vtx[0].vout[0];
+ script = (uint8_t *)&block.vtx[0].vout[0].scriptPubKey[0];
return(-1 * (komodo_electednotary(&num,script+1,height,0) >= 0) * (height > 1000000));
- if ( overflow != 0 || total > 0 || strangeout != 0 )
+ checktoshis = 0;
+ if ( ASSETCHAINS_COMMISSION != 0 && height > 1 )
+ if ( (checktoshis= komodo_checkcommission((CBlock *)&block,height)) < 0 )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"ht.%d checktoshis %.8f overflow.%d total %.8f strangeout.%d\n",height,dstr(checktoshis),overflow,dstr(total),strangeout);
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( height > 1 && checktoshis == 0 )
+ {
+ checktoshis = ((uint64_t)GetBlockSubsidy(height, Params().GetConsensus()) - block.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue);
+ // some pools will need to change their pool fee to be (poolfee % - txfees)
+ //checktoshis += txn_count * 0.001; // rely on higher level validations to prevent emitting more coins than actual txfees
+ }
+ if ( height >= 2 && (overflow != 0 || total > checktoshis || strangeout != 0) )
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr,"checkdeposit: ht.%d checktoshis %.8f overflow.%d total %.8f strangeout.%d\n",height,dstr(checktoshis),overflow,dstr(total),strangeout);
if ( strangeout != 0 )
- fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>>>>>>> DUST ht.%d strangout.%d notmatched.%d <<<<<<<<<\n",height,strangeout,notmatched);
+ fprintf(stderr,">>>>>>>>>>>>> %s DUST ht.%d strangeout.%d notmatched.%d <<<<<<<<<\n",ASSETCHAINS_SYMBOL,height,strangeout,notmatched);
- return(0);
+ return(0);
const char *komodo_opreturn(int32_t height,uint64_t value,uint8_t *opretbuf,int32_t opretlen,uint256 txid,uint16_t vout,char *source)
komodo_statefname(fname,baseid<32?base:(char *)"",(char *)"realtime");
if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 )
- buf[0] = (uint32_t)chainActive.Tip()->nHeight;
+ buf[0] = (uint32_t)chainActive.LastTip()->GetHeight();
buf[1] = (uint32_t)komodo_longestchain();
if ( buf[0] != 0 && buf[0] == buf[1] )