-Gavin's Bitcoin patches
-Branches here:
+Bitcoin integration/staging tree
-* svn : up-to-date mirror of the 'production' Bitcoin (from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bitcoin/).
-* monitorreceived : Implements monitortransaction/monitorblocks/gettransaction/getblock RPC commands.
-* listtransactions: Implements new JSON-RPC command "listtransactions" (from jgarzik)
-* refundtransaction : Implements new JSON-RPC command "refundtransaction"
-* master : All of the above, merged together.
+Development process
-Code is hosted at github: http://github.com/gavinandresen/bitcoin-git
+Developers work in their own trees, then submit pull requests when
+they think their feature or bug fix is ready.
+If it is a simple/trivial/non-controversial change, then one of the
+bitcoin development team members simply pulls it.
+If it is a more complicated or potentially controversial
+change, then the patch submitter will be asked to start a
+discussion (if they haven't already) on the mailing list:
+The patch will be accepted if there is broad consensus that it is a
+good thing. Developers should expect to rework and resubmit patches
+if they don't match the project's coding conventions (see coding.txt)
+or are controversial.
+The master branch is regularly built and tested, but is not guaranteed
+to be completely stable. Tags are regularly created to indicate new
+official, stable release versions of Bitcoin. If you would like to
+Feature branches are created when there are major new features being
+worked on by several people.
+From time to time a pull request will become outdated. If this occurs, and
+the pull is no longer automatically mergeable; a comment on the pull will
+be used to issue a warning of closure. The pull will be closed 15 days
+after the warning if action is not taken by the author. Pull requests closed
+in this manner will have their corresponding issue labeled 'stagnant'.
+Issues with no commits will be given a similar warning, and closed after
+15 days from their last activity. Issues closed in this manner will be
+labeled 'stale'.
+Requests to reopen closed pull requests and/or issues can be submitted to
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