# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-VERSION = 2016
+VERSION = 2017
# Build targets only - this includes vmlinux, arch specific targets, clean
# targets and others. In general all targets except *config targets.
+# Additional helpers built in scripts/
+# Carefully list dependencies so we do not try to build scripts twice
+# in parallel
+PHONY += scripts
+scripts: scripts_basic include/config/auto.conf
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=$(@)
ifeq ($(dot-config),1)
# Read in config
-include include/config/auto.conf
+# These are set by the arch-specific config.mk. Make sure they are exported
+# so they can be used when building an EFI application.
+export EFI_LDS # Filename of EFI link script in arch/$(ARCH)/lib
+export EFI_CRT0 # Filename of EFI CRT0 in arch/$(ARCH)/lib
+export EFI_RELOC # Filename of EFU relocation code in arch/$(ARCH)/lib
+export CFLAGS_EFI # Compiler flags to add when building EFI app
+export CFLAGS_NON_EFI # Compiler flags to remove when building EFI app
+export EFI_TARGET # binutils target if EFI is natively supported
# If board code explicitly specified LDSCRIPT or CONFIG_SYS_LDSCRIPT, use
# that (or fail if absent). Otherwise, search for a linker script in a
# standard location.
include/config/auto.conf: ;
endif # $(dot-config)
+# Xtensa linker script cannot be preprocessed with -ansi because of
+# preprocessor operations on strings that don't make C identifiers.
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_XTENSA),)
+LDPPFLAGS += -ansi
libs-y += drivers/spi/
libs-$(CONFIG_FMAN_ENET) += drivers/net/fm/
libs-$(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_DDR) += drivers/ddr/fsl/
+libs-$(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_MMDC) += drivers/ddr/fsl/
libs-$(CONFIG_ALTERA_SDRAM) += drivers/ddr/altera/
libs-y += drivers/serial/
libs-y += drivers/usb/dwc3/
libs-y += test/
libs-y += test/dm/
libs-$(CONFIG_UT_ENV) += test/env/
+libs-$(CONFIG_UT_OVERLAY) += test/overlay/
libs-y += $(if $(BOARDDIR),board/$(BOARDDIR)/)
# Always append ALL so that arch config.mk's can add custom ones
-ALL-y += u-boot.srec u-boot.bin u-boot.sym System.map u-boot.cfg binary_size_check
+ALL-y += u-boot.srec u-boot.bin u-boot.sym System.map binary_size_check
ALL-$(CONFIG_ONENAND_U_BOOT) += u-boot-onenand.bin
ifeq ($(CONFIG_SPL_FSL_PBL),y)
ALL-$(CONFIG_SPL) += spl/u-boot-spl.bin
+ALL-$(CONFIG_SPL_FRAMEWORK) += u-boot-ivt.img
ALL-$(CONFIG_TPL) += tpl/u-boot-tpl.bin
ALL-$(CONFIG_OF_SEPARATE) += u-boot.dtb
quiet_cmd_efipayload = OBJCOPY $@
cmd_efipayload = $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O $(EFIPAYLOAD_BFDTARGET) -B $(EFIPAYLOAD_BFDARCH) $< $@
+MKIMAGEOUTPUT ?= /dev/null
quiet_cmd_mkimage = MKIMAGE $@
cmd_mkimage = $(objtree)/tools/mkimage $(MKIMAGEFLAGS_$(@F)) -d $< $@ \
- $(if $(KBUILD_VERBOSE:1=), >/dev/null)
quiet_cmd_cat = CAT $@
cmd_cat = cat $(filter-out $(PHONY), $^) > $@
quiet_cmd_pad_cat = CAT $@
cmd_pad_cat = $(cmd_objcopy) && $(append) || rm -f $@
+cfg: u-boot.cfg
+quiet_cmd_cfgcheck = CFGCHK $2
+cmd_cfgcheck = $(srctree)/scripts/check-config.sh $2 \
+ $(srctree)/scripts/config_whitelist.txt $(srctree)
all: $(ALL-y)
@echo "===================== WARNING ======================"
@echo "before sending patches to the mailing list."
@echo "===================================================="
+ @# Check that this build does not use CONFIG options that we do not
+ @# know about unless they are in Kconfig. All the existing CONFIG
+ @# options are whitelisted, so new ones should not be added.
+ $(call cmd,cfgcheck,u-boot.cfg)
PHONY += dtbs
dtbs: dts/dt.dtb
%.imx: %.bin
$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=arch/arm/imx-common $@
+%.vyb: %.imx
+ $(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=arch/arm/cpu/armv7/vf610 $@
+quiet_cmd_copy = COPY $@
+ cmd_copy = cp $< $@
u-boot.dtb: dts/dt.dtb
$(call cmd,copy)
$(call if_changed,objcopy)
OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-nodtb.bin := -O binary \
- $(if $(CONFIG_X86_RESET_VECTOR),-R .start16 -R .resetvec)
+ $(if $(CONFIG_X86_16BIT_INIT),-R .start16 -R .resetvec)
binary_size_check: u-boot-nodtb.bin FORCE
@file_size=$(shell wc -c u-boot-nodtb.bin | awk '{print $$1}') ; \
$(LDR) -T $(CONFIG_CPU) -c $@ $< $(LDR_FLAGS)
+# binman
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+quiet_cmd_binman = BINMAN $@
+cmd_binman = $(srctree)/tools/binman/binman -d u-boot.dtb -O . \
+ -I . -I $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR) $<
OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.ldr.hex := -I binary -O ihex
OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot.ldr.srec := -I binary -O srec
MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.img = -A $(ARCH) -T firmware -C none -O u-boot \
-n "U-Boot $(UBOOTRELEASE) for $(BOARD) board"
+MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-ivt.img = -A $(ARCH) -T firmware_ivt -C none -O u-boot \
+ -n "U-Boot $(UBOOTRELEASE) for $(BOARD) board"
+u-boot-ivt.img: MKIMAGEOUTPUT = u-boot-ivt.img.log
+CLEAN_FILES += u-boot-ivt.img.log u-boot-dtb.imx.log SPL.log u-boot.imx.log
MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-dtb.img = $(MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.img)
MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot-spl.kwb = -n $(srctree)/$(CONFIG_SYS_KWD_CONFIG:"%"=%) \
+ $(if $(KEYDIR),-k $(KEYDIR))
MKIMAGEFLAGS_u-boot.pbl = -n $(srctree)/$(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_PBL_RCW:"%"=%) \
-R $(srctree)/$(CONFIG_SYS_FSL_PBL_PBI:"%"=%) -T pblimage
-u-boot-dtb.img u-boot.img u-boot.kwb u-boot.pbl: \
+u-boot-dtb.img u-boot.img u-boot.kwb u-boot.pbl u-boot-ivt.img: \
$(if $(CONFIG_SPL_LOAD_FIT),u-boot-nodtb.bin dts/dt.dtb,u-boot.bin) FORCE
$(call if_changed,mkimage)
u-boot.dis: u-boot
$(OBJDUMP) -d $< > $@
-u-boot.cfg: include/config.h FORCE
- $(call if_changed,cpp_cfg)
SPL_PAYLOAD := tpl/u-boot-with-tpl.bin
# x86 uses a large ROM. We fill it with 0xff, put the 16-bit stuff (including
# reset vector) at the top, Intel ME descriptor at the bottom, and U-Boot in
-# the middle.
+# the middle. This is handled by binman based on an image description in the
+# board's device tree.
rom: u-boot.rom FORCE
-IFDTOOL_FLAGS = -f 0:$(objtree)/u-boot.dtb
-IFDTOOL_FLAGS += -m 0x$(shell $(NM) u-boot |grep _dt_ucode_base_size |cut -d' ' -f1)
-IFDTOOL_FLAGS += -U $(CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE):$(objtree)/u-boot-nodtb.bin
-IFDTOOL_FLAGS += -w $(CONFIG_SYS_X86_START16):$(objtree)/u-boot-x86-16bit.bin
-IFDTOOL_ME_FLAGS = -D $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/descriptor.bin
-IFDTOOL_ME_FLAGS += -i ME:$(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/me.bin
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_HAVE_MRC),)
-IFDTOOL_FLAGS += -w $(CONFIG_X86_MRC_ADDR):$(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/mrc.bin
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_HAVE_FSP),)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_HAVE_CMC),)
-quiet_cmd_ifdtool = IFDTOOL $@
-cmd_ifdtool = $(IFDTOOL) -c -r $(CONFIG_ROM_SIZE) u-boot.tmp;
-cmd_ifdtool += $(IFDTOOL) $(IFDTOOL_ME_FLAGS) u-boot.tmp;
-cmd_ifdtool += $(IFDTOOL) $(IFDTOOL_FLAGS) u-boot.tmp;
-cmd_ifdtool += mv u-boot.tmp $@
refcode.bin: $(srctree)/board/$(BOARDDIR)/refcode.bin FORCE
$(call if_changed,copy)
cmd_ldr = $(LD) $(LDFLAGS_$(@F)) \
$(filter-out FORCE,$^) -o $@
-u-boot.rom: u-boot-x86-16bit.bin u-boot.bin FORCE \
- $(if $(CONFIG_HAVE_REFCODE),refcode.bin)
- $(call if_changed,ifdtool)
+u-boot.rom: u-boot-x86-16bit.bin u-boot.bin \
+ $(if $(CONFIG_SPL_X86_16BIT_INIT),spl/u-boot-spl.bin) \
+ $(if $(CONFIG_HAVE_REFCODE),refcode.bin) FORCE
+ $(call if_changed,binman)
OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-x86-16bit.bin := -O binary -j .start16 -j .resetvec
u-boot-x86-16bit.bin: u-boot FORCE
$(call if_changed,objcopy)
-ifneq ($(CONFIG_SUNXI),)
-OBJCOPYFLAGS_u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin = -I binary -O binary \
- --pad-to=$(CONFIG_SPL_PAD_TO) --gap-fill=0xff
-u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin: spl/sunxi-spl.bin u-boot.img FORCE
- $(call if_changed,pad_cat)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_SUNXI),)
+u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin: spl/sunxi-spl.bin u-boot.img u-boot.dtb FORCE
+ $(call if_changed,binman)
ifneq ($(CONFIG_TEGRA),)
cmd_u-boot_payload ?= $(LD) $(LDFLAGS_EFI_PAYLOAD) -o $@ \
-T u-boot-payload.lds arch/x86/cpu/call32.o \
lib/efi/efi.o lib/efi/efi_stub.o u-boot.bin.o \
- $(addprefix arch/$(ARCH)/lib/efi/,$(EFISTUB))
+ $(addprefix arch/$(ARCH)/lib/,$(EFISTUB))
u-boot-payload: u-boot.bin.o u-boot-payload.lds FORCE
$(call if_changed,u-boot_payload)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
quiet_cmd_cpp_lds = LDS $@
-cmd_cpp_lds = $(CPP) -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(cpp_flags) $(LDPPFLAGS) -ansi \
+cmd_cpp_lds = $(CPP) -Wp,-MD,$(depfile) $(cpp_flags) $(LDPPFLAGS) \
-D__ASSEMBLY__ -x assembler-with-cpp -P -o $@ $<
u-boot.lds: $(LDSCRIPT) prepare FORCE
$(foreach d, spl tpl, $(patsubst %,$d/%, \
$(filter-out include, $(shell ls -1 $d 2>/dev/null))))
-CLEAN_FILES += include/bmp_logo.h include/bmp_logo_data.h include/license.h \
+CLEAN_FILES += include/bmp_logo.h include/bmp_logo_data.h \
boot* u-boot* MLO* SPL System.map
# Directories & files removed with 'make mrproper'
MRPROPER_DIRS += include/config include/generated spl tpl \
MRPROPER_FILES += .config .config.old include/autoconf.mk* include/config.h \
- ctags etags TAGS cscope* GPATH GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS
+ ctags etags tags TAGS cscope* GPATH GTAGS GRTAGS GSYMS
# clean - Delete most, but leave enough to build external modules
@echo ' cscope - Generate cscope index'
@echo ' ubootrelease - Output the release version string (use with make -s)'
@echo ' ubootversion - Output the version stored in Makefile (use with make -s)'
+ @echo " cfg - Don't build, just create the .cfg files"
@echo ''
@echo 'Static analysers'
@echo ' checkstack - Generate a list of stack hogs'
$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=scripts build_docproc
$(Q)$(MAKE) $(build)=doc/DocBook $@
-# Dummies...
-PHONY += prepare scripts
-prepare: ;
-scripts: ;
endif #ifeq ($(config-targets),1)
endif #ifeq ($(mixed-targets),1)